Jubilee Park LC1 and LC2

Proposed Residential Development

The Local Centre site comprises of two irregularly shaped parcels within Jubilee Park located either side of the main entrance into development from Tregwilym Road. The parcel on the northern side of the entrance into the site has an area of 0.45ha (Parcel LC1) and the parcel on the southern side of the entrance into the site has an area of 0.77ha (Parcel LC2). 

Parcel LC1 is bound to the north by Tregwilym Road (with residential properties on its northern side), recently completed homes at Obama Grove to the west, by Jubilee Way (the main vehicular entrance into Jubilee Park from Tregwilym Road) to the east, and by the Central Park to the south on the southern side of Jubilee Way. Planted trees form the southern boundary of Parcel LC1 with Jubilee Way whilst a foul sewer runs along the western boundary of the parcel.

Parcel LC2 is bound to the north by Mandrake House (a large four storey building providing over 55s accommodation that is positioned at a higher elevation), the remains of Tregwilym Castle to the northeast, residential development (including a three storey apartment block to the east), Castle Way to the south with residential properties to the south, and to the west by Jubilee Way and the Central Park. Planted trees form the southern, western, and northern boundaries of the LC2 Parcel.

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